Floppy Totaal is a Rotterdam based research project that investigates the reuse and re-purposing of 'outdated' technology as a cultural phenomenon. By examining the contemporary usage of the iconic floppy diskette as a case study, we can assess the way past technology is integrated into our culture today, as well as its future potential. We aim to become a central knowledge hub in our field of interest by means of live events and an active online environment that collects and showcases relevant lectures, workshops, games, performances and installations. The goal of our project is to inject the debate surrounding obsolescent media with new enthusiasm and stimulate a critical approach to our topic with the help of extensive research.
For the visuals, we decivd to focus on few, but discit colours, and as Floppy Totaal in 2019 is struted as reasarch that hopfully will move on past our funding periode, we want to keep things as open as possible for expasion in the way of visuals. The logo is based on the typeface Hydrophillia Liquid and with the extra flavour of magenic distrution, as floppy disks is a magnnetic medium.
For the previous edition of Floppy Totaal, you can check the old project here LINK